Power mornings

Hello folks,  I hope you are all doing well  I am back in Marmaris and if you have ben following the news you know it has been a bit chaotic here bit we are OK now. Thank you to all of you who reached out to see how I was doing. 

The season is not going so well and it was rough. My colleagues are grumpy and my boss as well since the business is down. It started to get to me and I felt the depression make it’s way back but I managed to stop it and increase my sales! How awesome am I?:mrgreen:

So how I do it? Well I think it has a lot to do with my power mornings.  I start my day by walking along the beach,  it warms up my muscles and it cleanses my mind. I also listen to different mentors as I walk, people like Tony Robbins,  Dain Heer,  Wayne Dyer,  Helga Rhodes, Jim Rohn etc. It really lifts my mood up. 

I smile and say good morning to people,  I feel like I’m sharing the love and people were grumpy at first now they smile and says good morning first.

But the most important thing I think is that I am feeding and watering the street cats,  we have a ton of them here. The secret to living is giving. I feel that it made a huge difference in my life when I started to do that. 

So what are YOU doing to have a better start of your day?  Share in the comments below. 

Stay wonderful, 


Wealth idea #1

I accidentally fell asleep on the sofa after work with the cats, so now I am sitting here in the dark, wide awake and of course my head is full of thoughts. Do you ever think about how nice it would be to have loads and loads of money? I do, all the time, it is my favorite daydream. I always think about how nice it would be to have $100.000.000.
Oh, come on, it is just as hard to manifest $100.000 so why not just go for it? 😉

But do you take the thinking a step further? How would it feel? I think it would be totally awesome and so liberating! I would feel like a monkey who just discovered a jungle full of banana trees with ripe bananas!  But it is important to think about the following questions, why do you want to be wealthy? What would you do if you were really wealthy? How would you spend your days? What would you do with your money? Would you be working? How would you invest it? I spend so much time thinking about my wealth and these kind of questions.

I can drive people nuts sometimes with all of my thoughts and ideas. Yesterday I had another wealth idea. You see, one of my goals is to move to South California, in the San Diego area. Another goal is to help people and make a difference. I would love to combine them so I came up with an idea.

You see, since I am wealthy, I am living in a nice house with a large garden. A large garden that needs some attention so I have to hire a gardener.
There is also a ton of good, homeless people, many veterans, who ended up on the street for other reasons than addiction, all they need to get back on their feet is a break. What if I could be that break they need? So I started thinking that I could work with one of the shelters and hire one of them. Since I live in a nice big house, I also have a garage with an apartment above it. That means that I can provide one person with work, salary and housing. That’s one person off the street!

Together me and gardener Joe will learn how to do gardening, perhaps I will send him to a gardening course or similar. I don’t have all the details yet so bear with me. When gardener Joe is educated enough and my neighbors sees how good he is with my garden and how reliable he is, he will get more assignment and perhaps I can start a small business with him as a partner and we will set him up in his own apartment. That’s when we bring in the next person who moves into the apartment above the garage and the first man will teach the second one and suddenly they are two, and then we continue like this. The more I think about it, the more I realize that there are so many areas I could apply this to. I can even buy an apartment complex where they will live to a low cost and have themselves doing the maintenance. Perhaps it is dream thinking but I don’t see why I couldn’t make this a reality? Sure I am not familiar with all the laws and regulations in the US but it should be possible and if it isn’t, well then I guess I need to make it possible. 🙂 Now when I think about it, this could become a really big thing. I mean, what if a company would focus on hiring just homeless people? That would be generating some real Karma points, believe you me!

Providing homes and work for real people, giving them decent salaries and setting them up with insurance policies and teach them financial thinking so they never end up in the same situation again. Teach them how to fish, and they will never go hungry again. And another thing, I would be helping their kids as well because they would be teaching their kids how to handle money and take precautions, so they never end up in the same situation as well. School and education is awesome but it won’t teach you that kind of skills.

Helping them to help themselves, that is one of my goals. I mean just thinking about it and writing it down makes me feel really good and it rises my vibration, then imagine how it would feel to make it reality!  In the meantime, maybe one of you who are reading about this idea, can adapt it and apply it to help one or two persons. That would be totally awesome! 😀

Please feel free to share your ideas, on how we can help different people in need, in the comments below.

Keep moving towards your goals!



“Gardener Joe” Image courtesy of Supertrooper at FreeDigitalPhotos.net





Image courtesy of [name of the image creator] at FreeDigitalPhotos.netage 

Image courtesy of [name of the image creator] at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


The President of the teachers union…

Hola my friends,

Today will be another customer conversation. I just sold a bracelet for 8500 Euros to the former president of the Teachers union in Sweden.. We were 4 people in the room besides the clients and when the deal was over he turned around and told me, “You are really, really good as a sales person. I have had some hard negotiations in my life, with very important people, concerning large sums of money, but I really like the way you talked and convinced me”.

To explain the situation, most of our customers does not come by themselves to our store. They are reluctant customers and most of them has already decided to not purchase anything when they enter the shop. So we are really working with turning a no into a maybe and then from maybe to a yes by finding the perfect piece of jewelry to each customer and then make them an offer they cannot resist. This is something that is really hard to do, especially with Scandinavian people, they have a totally different mentality.

I cannot discuss the prices but I do everything else but discuss the price, I find out what they like, how much they would like to spend, IF they would like to spend money etc. It is a really hard job since people don’t trust you at all. But somehow my conversation skills, my own life experiences, charm and a tiny bit of manipulation seems to do the trick so that they trust me and then when my boss lowers the price a bit, they buy.

But the satisfaction I get when the female client is happy and her husband feels that he has done a good deal and then turns around to give me credit feels like receiving an A+ on a hard test! Since I knew that he had some experience, I of course asked him afterwards, if there was anything he could recommend me to do, to improve my lectures and he said, “Don’t change a thing! It is perfect and I know these kind of things because I have been working with this for years” he said.

Soon I am ready to graduate from the Real School of Sales and Public Speaking!
How does it get any better than this? 😀

I know I brag a lot but hey, I am my biggest fan and I need to support my team right?!

Shining bright like a diamond!


Hello you beautiful people, I hope you are all doing well.

I have always been interested with visualization since I was 15 years old and started to read this book that my mother had bought, it was called Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your Life by Shakti Gawain
I loved it and I read it so much that it started to fall apart, I can tell you that my mother was not happy about that. I highly recommend this book because it has a lot of good advice, especially if you are a novice to visualization.

However, I had a problem.. No matter how hard I tried to visualize I could not see things in my mind. The disappointment was huge. I tried, I kept on trying and then I finally gave up. As soon as I came across a page or a book that mentioned visualization it was like game over for me. I kept trying though and I kept trying to find information about the HOW to visualize and boy I have gone through a lot of YouTube videos and webpages.

If you are one of those people who can visualize then I am very happy for you, but if you are like me, I want you to know that there is hope. You see, one day I stumbled upon a webpage that told me that it is OK if you can’t visualize. It is the emotion that is the active ingredient you see. So I started to try to feel how it would feel to be where I wanted to be, how it would feel to have the things I wanted to have and that was a bit easier.

So then one morning, when I was sitting on the bus on my way to work, I was looking out the window while listening to music. I got a weird feeling that I was not sitting on a bus, I was sitting on an airplane, I was not on my way to work but to Los Angeles! I started to smile with my whole face and it felt fantastic!! I finally got it! This is what you and I need to do to get the things we want. We need to feel how it feels to be there and not here. Ridiculously simple right? I can tell you that this realization felt like a million bucks and it made manifesting a lot more fun. I call this process Feelization and I like it very much and I practice it a lot.

So what are you going to attract into your life using Feelization? List it below in the comment field and share the energy. 🙂

Stay in the vortex peps!




Loving the people who criticizes you.

Hello all of you beautiful people and the rest of you too! 😀

I learn something new everyday and yesterday I learned 3 things.

  1. Being lazy will come back and bite you in your ass.
  2. Don’t just take someones word for things, always look things up!
  3. Love the people who calls you out on your bullshit and criticizes you.. This is a really tough one but very important.

I have to admit that sometimes I am way to lazy for my own good. You see, I have been in the gold business for a few years now and I wasn’t really interested in the gold when I started, gold is gold, it is a metal, and I don’t need to be an expert to sell it. I mean it is not like selling a computer where I have to know every component and be able to explain what it does.

So I didn’t read up on it, sure I read a little bit but basically I just listened to the guy, one of my sales managers who gave me the basic introduction when I started, he is also the one who gives the information to the UK people that visits our store. I mean he has been doing this for years and he knows what he is talking about, right?

Man, was I wrong..
It turns out that he does not know what he is talking about and he doesn’t have his facts straight and that means that I don’t have my facts straight. How did I learn about this? Let me tell ya, yesterday in the middle of my presentation to one of our groups a man called me out on it, in the middle of the lecture, in front of everyone. Guess three times how embarrassing that was on a scale from 1-10.. I would say around 297!!!! And whose fault was it?? MINE!! No matter how much I want to blame the guy who taught me, I can’t! I didn’t cross check the information I got from him because I was lazy and quite frankly I didn’t give a damn. The result, it made me look unprofessional and that is the one thing I can’t stand. So I am truly grateful for this man, who pointed out my mistakes. He taught me to always check my facts and not just take someones word for it. Thank you Sir and thank you Universe who sent him to give me this lesson.

You see the people who comes into our lives and points out our mistakes are mentors.
Because of this man I will now better myself, my lectures and never make the same mistake again. For this I am grateful.

How does it get any better than this?


Another customer inspiration..

I had two lovely clients today, they were a lovely couple and their story was amazing. Their marriage was exceptional and what struck me the most was that they seemed still in love, after so many years.

He was a former General who had been stationed around the world, he had some amazing stories to share, especially one about how he bumped into former president Bush in the locker room. 🙂 His wife devoted her whole life to support her husband and they had seen some extraordinary things. But now when they are retired she has started a small company and now she is the boss and he is working for her. They also make sure to take lot of time off to travel the world but they were also very involved with the Lions organisation.

So what was so special about this couple?

They had fun together, so much fun and they were laughing a lot!
They invested themselves in their partners career and interests.
They got involved in the community/charity together.
They communicated a lot.
They showed each other respect and tolerance.
They had decided that they wanted to be together and work for it.

It was beautiful to see and it was truly inspiring! Now I know what I want and most importantly I saw that these kind of relationships do exists outside of my imagination. 🙂

What are your best relationship advice?
Leave a comment below!

Go out and shine!

No limit living!

Hello my wonderful co-creators.

I hope that you all are well and safe. If you are in Belgium, then I would like to give you my condolences, love and prayers. It is a sad time in the world when you can be attacked anywhere and at any time. I can not stop the terrorists, I can not undo what they have done and I can not bring back the dead. But I can send love, light and healing and continue to spread the love. And I can clean..

I love you, I am sorry,  please forgive me, thank you. 

If you are unfamiliar with the statement above, it is known as Ho’oponopono and it is a clearing statement. It cleans your vibration and everything that is wrong in the world caused by us and our ancestors. You can read more about it here. If you want to help me cleanse, then repeat the sentence above every time you possible can or at least every time Daesh/ISIS is mentioned.

As a light worker, I feel that it is part of my obligation to send love and healing to the people in need and cleanse as much as I possibly can. I also feel that it is important to not give the terrorists what they want, they want us to be petrified so we start doing what they want. That is their only goal with what they are doing. To that I say, they wont scare me, I will be more cautious of course, but I refuse to let them limit, control my life and how I decide to live it!

Mastin Kipp posted a video about this, please watch it.
Mastin Kipps video on Brüssel.

“As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me.”

Sending love & light to you all and please stay safe.



I am walking down another street!

I love Dr Wayne Dyer and I miss him a lot, bless his soul. I often watch his seminars on YouTube and I try to implement what he taught us in his videos. There is especially one seminar, where he reads a poem by Portia Nelson that I like very much, and yesterday late at night I finally, got it. I really got it!

You see, I am a single woman, who is very attracted to the alpha male types. You know the highly successful men, who make things happen, they can make decisions and they are going somewhere in life. Many of them are business leaders, managers, CEO:s etc and some of them are narcissists…

I am very familiar with narcissists, I was raised by one, my mother. I later on dated them, but at that time they were bad boys. Then I grew up and met a very successful man, let’s call him P. He was a biker, but not one of those biker gang guys. He was handsome, smart, cool, and he could make money out of anything, he was very talented. I was so impressed by him, his intelligence and his ability to make money. And the best part, he really liked me, or at least so I thought..
He also had a son, who I later found out also was a narcissist and I spent more than 4 years living with them. It nearly destroyed me, I lost myself in the process. He broke my heart totally and it took a long, long time for me to pick up the pieces. This was before I moved to Turkey and he was one of the reasons to why I moved.

I cut all ties and seized all contact with him and his son. No fb, no messages, nothing. This was really hard because I was obsessed with him, his attention was like heroin to me. But I did it, because of  5 very good friends of mine. Veronica, Stellan, Christer, Ingela, Jeppe and Victoria. Without them I couldn’t have done it. Thank you!

I have bumped into him again a few times after that when I have been home, but I totally ignore him, no hello, no contact. I know very well that I can’t even talk to him even once, because I will be drawn into his web all over again and it will kill me this time. It is just like a sober heroin addict, who just  wants to have one small fix for old times sake. *KAABOOM* Straight back into addiction! And I love myself way too much to even consider it.

This was back in 2008 when the relationship ended and even today he is still effecting me very much, I dream about him a lot at night, he is in my mind. Sometimes I can hear his voice when there is something that triggers a memory. I used to hate him but I don’t anymore. I am grateful, because of him I started to read more and more about human behavior, I started to study my own behavior and I improved myself and many other positive things, I became more aware. I would never have done that if I would have stayed in his presence. He also taught me what red flags and warning signs to look out for. This was really learning by doing.

Unfortunately though, I don’t dare to trust my instincts when I see the red flags. I start to question myself, is it me who is overly cautious and paranoid? Perhaps I am just being silly and scared after the relationship I had? So I find myself in the same position over and over again since the universe will unmercifully repeat the situation until you have learned the damned lesson! That is how it is and I am a very, very slow learner sometimes.
Until yesterday that is..

Last year in 2o15, I met a man online, lets call him R.  He seemed perfect, he was tall, very intellectual, wanted kids, had an extremely high IQ, he was looking for the same kind of relationship as I was looking for and he really understood me. Sure there was a few things that was weird, we only had contact when he wanted to and sometimes he avoided my questions, it was like he was blowing hot and cold but I was really interested in him. We decided to meet and he flew out here to meet me. At this time I had some intense dreams about my ex P, I couldn’t understand why I had that. I was totally focused on the new guy so it didn’t make sense at all. Guess what, during those 3 days we spent together there was temper tantrums, he pushed me, he screamed at me for interrupting him, he got upset because I didn’t take good enough pictures of him and he took an incredible amount of selfies (around 100). It was all about him. I even left him in the restaurant in the middle of dinner because he was behaving totally unacceptable. After we parted I sent him an email asking him to send the few pictures he took of me, I never got an answer. He was another narcissist. The good news is that this time it took 3 days to figure it and not 4 years.

After this episode, I have bumped into a few more narcissists online, and the most current one is a Swedish man who was behaving very much like R, he even looks like R! The funny part is that it is the same story all over again, self focused, he is promoting himself, disappearing for a few weeks and then showing up again just to be so incredibly busy but he wants to fly out here and meet me. And guess what, I got so pissed off by his behavior!
Who the fuck do he think he is? You see, since I have been around so many narcissists, I have read up on them and I have learned to discover them sooner and I know how to break up with them. But it also made me stronger and it made me realize my own value and when someone tries to walk all over me I become angry and that anger helps me move mountains. So when Mr Sweden contacted me I politely blew him off and it felt great! You cannot win or get revenge on a narcissist, don’t even try. Just make sure that they leave you alone.

And then I realized one thing, this time I have been thinking a lot and having very vivid dreams about both P and R!! I didn’t make the connection until this Swedish man tried to do his trick again. Whenever I come close to a narcissist my subconscious is guiding and warning me and I have been too blocked to see it! *rolls up a newspaper and hits myself on the head with it!* Stupid, stupid, stupid!!

I mean it is so obvious, how could I not see it?!  And then when I went to bed and I had finished writing in my journal, it hit me straight in the face, gently with a chair, what Wayne Dyer and Portia Nelson wanted to say with this poem. Late shall the sinner awake..
If you want to see the video with Wayne Dyer when he reads the poem, click here

Autobiography in Five Short Chapters
By Portia Nelson

Chapter One
I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in.
I am lost …. I am helpless.
It isn’t my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.

Chapter Two
I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend that I don’t see it.
I fall in again.
I can’t believe I am in this same place.
But, it isn’t my fault.
It still takes a long time to get out.

Chapter Three
I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it is there.
I still fall in … it’s a habit … but, my eyes are open.
I know where I am.
It is my fault.
I get out immediately.

Chapter Four
I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.

Chapter Five
I walk down another street.


I am SO walking down another street my friends!!

Gratitude.. #propeace


Many of you have heard about the suicide bombing today in Istanbul on the pedestrian street, the bombing in Ankara and the one at Sultan Ahmet area in Istanbul over a month ago. It feels so unreal that it is happening here. Sure we have some problems in the East part of Turkey but to attack innocent people for no reason is just horrendous.  In the area where I live it is quite safe but these suicide bombers can show up anywhere.

Today when I heard the news about Istanbul I immediately thought of my friend who works somewhere there. I got really scared and sent him messages. No answer for hours and I was becoming very worried. The he wrote me and I can only say that my heart was filled with gratitude because he was safe. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

My heart goes out to every victim and every family who has lost a loved one. Please do not pray only for Turkey, pray for the world!

I love you, I am sorry, please forgive me, tank you.

